Get the most out of digitalisation

Get the most out of digitalisation
Digitalisation requires investments. Now is the time to harvest too. “Many organizations wonder whether digital skills belong to their core business or not,” says Jorens Thomassen. “Exactly this is where we're at our best. As a partner we help to set up the digital strategy for our clients. If a client wishes, we can also assist in embedding digital skills in their organization. TRIMM helps clients change in order to live up to their full potential."
Digital self-service is already fully embedded in a online consumer environement, but clients also expect this level of service in B2B. “Think of an application that allows purchasers to browse the catalogue of industrial complex products, choose what they need and order that product right away,” says Marc Woesthuis. “We have successfully developed such a tool for large, technically complex products such as truck trailers and flight cases. A growing generation of purchasers takes this way of ordering for granted. Why shouldn't companies facilitate them in this?”
According to Woesthuis, digital self-service has major benefits. “Only what can actually be made in a factory will be ordered. This increases efficiency, even with customization. We have the right expertise and experience to develop self-service tools. This is not just a matter of technology, but also of process and change management. We try to keep things running smooth, balancing organization, process and technology. The result is the best customer experience for our clients' customers.”
Relevant campaign
Marketing activation plays a very important role in digital channels. "A single campaign is not sufficient anymore," says Rogier Florijn. "You have to analyse the interaction with clients and constantly adjust accordingly. We therefore believe in an integrated approach. Via a number of touch points we develop a campaign into a continuous flow that enables you to launch products and broaden the brand experience. All of this, of course, in close cooperation with the client.”
The GDPR, European privacy legislation, may have changed the field of marketing, but Florijn still sees opportunities to develop relevant campaigns. “A trend in customer engagement is creating communities. For example, we organized an online conference for one of our clients, by taking their trdional trade show approach into a digital experience wereceived a lot of positive results and feedback from the attendees and client. Our campaigns have an impact and contribute sustainably to the growth of our clients."
Source interview: Emerce 100 magazine, c-stories