Business portalen

Your digital customer or dealer portal

Responding to a changing world and adding value with digital is a daily activity for more and more B2B companies. In addition, there is a shift from product-oriented organizations to service-oriented companies. This, in particular, since customer loyalty, customer value and service experience go hand in hand.
Another trend is the increasing need to efficiently digitize repetitve tasks for teams, due to understaffing. And the increasing desire customers have to manage their tasks with your organisation online themselves. 
Business portals can offer a solution in this challenge.
The central point of an excellent business portal is data; a unique and indispensable source of insight for your customers, enabling them to operate even more successfully in the market. It also offers you valuable customer insights.  

Digital as an enabler

Companies realize digital optimisations with portals and even completely new business models for the future. A selection of the goals that our clients achieve:

Revenue growth

  • Sales efficiency: using sales more strategically and offering the right tools
  • An extra account manager: your digital team member
  • Retention: increasing customer loyalty through excellent service experience & cross and upsell
  • Lead nurturing

Improve margins

  • Provide 24/7 service at a lower cost
  • Connecting internal silos
  • Reduce errors
  • Automation of processes with the customer and internal stakeholders central
  • Delivering more and better service with the same resources: more efficient cooperation between the internal organization and partner organizations.

New Business Models

  • Offering access of new services via the portal
  • The portal as a platform

TRIMM realizes successful customer and dealer portals in the B2B sector to achieve sustainable growth.

- Janinka Feenstra, Consultant

The client at the center of the digital collaboration

TRIMM starts from the perspective of the customer and the users. What are the needs of the customer? What tasks is he or she trying to accomplish? What information need is at the core of this? Which employees (or departments and systems) are involved and what tasks do they have? How can they improve their work for the customer? We make the difference by looking at the opportunities from these perspectives and connecting them to the business objectives and the company's organization.
Outside in, and inside out.

All IT systems in their power

Of course we understand that different IT systems are already used in the organization. They each have their own strength, and we will leave it that way. Our approach is characterized by a focus on integration based on a modular philosophy: we get the added value from existing systems and lay a custom portal layer over it. In doing so, we create flexibility and scalability and ensure that every system continues to do what it is intended for. We ensure that all tools can be used from one central location.
Flexible. Scalable. Modular.

Features & tools

A selection of the possibilities we created for several clients:

Sales enablement

  • Calculator
  • Configurator
  • Simulator 
  • Configure Price Quote tools
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Selection tools
  • Benchmark tools
  • Sample shop

Busines partnering

  • Business intelligence dashboards 
  • Knowledge base
  • Sharecenter
  • Newscenter 
  • (User) account management 
  • Collaboration tool


  • Order engines
  • Order history with favorites
  • Stock and prices
  • Order and delivery statuses

Service & Support

  • Service & incident handling
  • Spare parts finder 
  • Partner-finder or dealerfinder

The foundation for your portal

In four steps....
TRIMM will guide you in making all the choices regarding your business portal.  

  1. The Discovery Phase: a phase in which we define a roadmap for realisation and build a vision on your tailored business portal. Which business goals do we have with this portal? Which businesss processes can we automate and how standardized are these processes? Which technology platforms are an option for this solution and which budgets do you need to reserve?
  2. Design and realisation of the minimum viable product (MVP) that will deliver value to the customers and the organisation.  
  3. The onboarding and activation of users of the portal: both internal and external users, potentiall in different phases. 
  4. Maintenance and security of the portal, now and in the future.

Discuss your business portal strategy with us!

Contact our experts today!

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