The employer brand in the accountancy sector.

De Jong & Laan launched its new brand positioning: Samen Gaan (Going Together).

TRIMM was challenged to adapt the Werkenbij website to this new positioning and visual identity within 10 weeks, aiming to claim a top position in the job market. Due to the approach, the website is now better aligned with the needs of both candidates and recruiters.

De Jong & Laan wanted to quickly and effectively implement its new brand positioning "Samen Gaan" on the Werkenbij website and translate it into the employer brand &NUJIJ. This was essential to increase the attractiveness as an employer and attract better-qualified candidates. The goals were clear:

  • Digitalize the employer brand &NUJIJ.
  • Reduce the workload for recruiters.
  • Achieve a swift launch within 10 weeks.

In the process, we focused on several key aspects to meet these goals:


Rebranding and expanding core components for speed

We adjusted existing components within the modularly built website to align with the new branding. We added new components that contribute to the applicant’s journey or the &NUJIJ positioning. This allowed us to build on a strong foundation while maintaining the flexibility and modularity of Magnolia.


Improving conversion and exit points on the job detail page

The conversion to an actual application primarily occurs on the job detail page. Therefore, optimization was central to this page. We simplified the application form for candidates and ensured that candidates were better directed to other relevant vacancies at De Jong & Laan.

Simplifying search in numerous job listings

De Jong & Laan is growing, leading to many open positions. To provide candidates with a clear overview, we adjusted the overview page and the filtering method. This improved the overview and made it easier to find a suitable vacancy.


Advanced integration with ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

Through integration with Msquad’s ATS, we ensured that De Jong & Laan recruiters could primarily focus on vacancies and applicants. With one click in the ATS system, a job detail page is automatically generated with all enriching content like location photography, teams involved, and the procedure applicable to that position. Recruiters can further enrich this content in the CMS Magnolia if needed. We worked closely to simplify the process from creating to closing a vacancy.

Indeed, by continuously discussing the added value of all our ideas with TRIMM and constantly questioning whether each idea should be implemented before the launch or afterward, we managed to make a significant leap in our recruitment communication in a very short time.


Enhancing the Quality of Applications with a Renewed Recruitment Communication Website

The launch of the renewed Werkenbij website resulted in impressive improvements that directly contributed to De Jong & Laan’s goals. Thanks to the optimizations, both traffic quantity and the quality of applications improved significantly. Here is an overview of the key results and their added value for De Jong & Laan:


  • 15.3% increase in page views: this means more visitors viewed the website, enhancing the visibility of vacancies and brand awareness.


  • 10.6% increase in unique page views: reaching a broader audience with more unique visitors, which increases the chances of finding suitable candidates.


  • 4.43% lower bounce rate: a lower bounce rate indicates higher visitor engagement, showing that the website better captures and retains their attention.


  • 17.11% increase in direct traffic: this indicates greater brand recognition, where visitors directly visit the website, demonstrating a strong employer brand.


  • 28.4% reduction in rejections due to higher quality applications: attracting better-qualified candidates makes the selection process more efficient, enabling recruiters to hire more suitable candidates.


  • 23.6% increase in viewed vacancies: an increase in viewed vacancies improves the chances of filling open positions, helping meet De Jong & Laan’s growing staffing needs.


These results demonstrate that the new Werkenbij website not only attracts more visitors but is also more effective in converting those visitors into valuable applicants. As a result, De Jong & Laan has significantly improved its position in the job market and streamlined its recruitment process.

Are you also interested in a Werkenbij website with optimal branding and conversion?

Discover how we can help you!

You can contact Janinka Feenstra through the form below, or through the following number 053 4800480

All fields with a * are mandatory.
