Online cleaning platform: is the first Dutch cleaning company without cleaning staff on their payroll. The supply and demand is linked seamlessly together through an Online Platform. All interactions and transactions are facilitated through this platform: from booking cleaning staff to payment. provides work for thousands of people and gives the customer more time to spend for themselves.
- The platform had to make life easier for people. One condition the platform had to meet was that it had to be quick and efficient. Visitors had to be able to work quickly and efficiently on the platform, wherever they are.
- The platform had to be suitable for (cleaning) professionals and customers alike and therefore had to be easy to operate.
- The entire process, from registration to payment, had to be conducted online through the platform.
- Secure payment and transparency in costs, as well as a transparent selection of professionals, where required.
- It was a requirement that the platform could be released incrementally city by city. It had to be possible to be up-and-running in a new city within a month, using the platform.
- The platform had to look modern and fresh, just like the effect of cleaning should be!

We delivered a high-end Magnolia platform with a fresh and clean design that was operative in three regions when it was released. The platform is now sequentially released per region at a high pace. The project, a true start-up, was successful from the start. With minimal marketing efforts, sufficient supply and demand were created. This meant that cleaning professionals could start work as soon as they applied.
Because the website and the app were launched simultaneously, customers and professionals, wherever they are, can use the platform. After extensive user research, we implemented a simple booking and registration process. In addition, the platform is transparent. Professionals work on a fixed rate per hour and mandatory insurance and taxes are taken care off. All professionals are screened in advance, so quality can be guaranteed. This screening process is the only process that takes place offline. Everything else happens online, from booking a professional to signing up as a client or professional, from payment to communication between customers and professionals.
This ensures that the platform is honest, transparent, quick and efficient. The transparency of the platform is enabled by the review option, allowing customers to rate professionals by giving them stars. This helps customers to find their match. Customers also profit from the flexibility of the platform. If you’re looking for a one-time, weekly or monthly cleaning: is the platform that makes life easier!